Monday, February 18, 2013


What do librettists like Alain Boubil and Jean-Marc Natel; musicians like Dave Matthews and Rihanna, and artists like Alexander McQueen and Vincent Van Gogh have in common?
They were all inspired by the stars.
Stars, to me, have never lost their magic. I don’t know what it is, but something about them, when they shine in all their glory, has the power to bring the most stoic man to his knees.
I don’t always have time to look at them. The only time I feel most “connected” to nature is when the glare of the sun interferes with the TV screen.
Earlier this week, though, the stars reminded me what I had forgotten.
On Thursday, a group of my friends and I sang Valentine’s Day Singing Grams, a way of showing love and appreciation for families, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and everything in between. I had so much fun last year, and I couldn't wait for this time.
After singing our pieces for a married couple, we left the house. I was going to get in the van when suddenly, my friend Taylor stopped me. “Look!” she said.
When I looked, I noticed the stars, shining, but not overpowering the beauty of the sky. They complemented the sky’s swirling indigo hue, twinkling brightly on a cold winter’s night.
I was blown away. Instead of feeling excited about singing and hanging out with my friends, I became excited by the splendor of natural beauty. As I looked at the stars, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace that I hadn't had in a long time. How could I have been too busy for this?
Looking back, I can honestly say those stars are the most beautiful natural wonders I have ever seen. Though I've seen Yosemite, Half Dome, the Grand Canyon, cascading waterfalls, and flawless mountaintops covered in fluffy white powder, the stars are still the best.
People get busy. We swap relationships with people for relationships with the latest technological innovations. We ignore the things we need, and pay attention instead to the things we think we need.
But no matter where you are, or what kind of life you have, the stars are always there. They are encouraging you, every single night, to stop being busy and look at them. It’s never too late to see things differently.
So, tonight, realize that while our world has plenty of flaws, beauty is all around us. All we have to do is look for it.


  1. This is a good account not only of what you saw, but how it affected you an shifted your perception in a moment's time! Well done.

    I've had similar experiences with stars, and I agree that they have the ability to put things back in place in our minds somehow, by reminding us of how small we are.

  2. Katie, I love that you start each post with a broad, eye-catching statement or question. Your posts are fantastic :)
